Delta 8 Dabs
When used in small doses, delta 8 dabs offer a unique and potent experience that hits fast and hard. They’re a great option for high-dose THC users who want to maximize the effects of this THC isomer. However, like all THC products, they need to be used responsibly and with proper precautions. Read on to learn more about these concentrated oils, and how you can safely enjoy them.
The FDA relies on voluntary reports from consumers, doctors and patients to monitor the side effects of certain drugs. Between December 2020 and February 2022, there were 104 reported adverse reactions to delta-8 THC, including psychotic symptoms such as delusions and paranoia. This is why it’s important to limit your purchases of these concentrates to regulated dispensaries.
Using Dabs
While tinctures and popular edibles can be a convenient and discreet way to consume delta-8 THC, dabbing is the most efficient way to enjoy this oil. It works much faster than other D8 products, such as gummies and tinctures, which can take up to an hour before you feel anything.
Dabs can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from vaping them in flower vape devices to adding them to edibles. Many users prefer to use dab pens, portable vaporizers that contain miniature nails powered by batteries that activate upon inhalation or at the push of a button. These are especially convenient for those who are traveling, as you can easily keep them in your pocket.